H!NT Lab


Welcome to the H!NT (Human-machine Interaction & NaTural language understanding) Lab! H!NT is a research laboratory newly created in 2023, and is headed by Professor Pinpin Zhu, collaborated with Assistant Professor Hao Wang. We are primarily based at School of Computer Engineering and Science (CES), Shanghai University .

Research synopsis: Our principal research interests lie in the development of deep learning and cognitive methodology, and large-scale computational system and architecture, for solving problems involving human-machine communication, natural language processing, and multimodal media or documents in state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

The laboratory focuses on cutting-edge issues in the implementation of artificial intelligence in industries, fosters a strong academic atmosphere, and provides a research environment that is relatively free and flexible. The laboratory also has ample computing resources.

Currently, the majority of members in the laboratory have a background in Natural Language Processing (NLP), but we also welcome students with interdisciplinary backgrounds in fields such as psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, and more to join the laboratory.

Open Positions

From 2023.10, we are seeking ambitious and highly talented PhD (1) /Master (4) candidates to work on the interface of multimodal document retrieval (MDR), natural language understanding (NLU) using large language models (LLM).

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments by contacting us!
